Seafile-Server-Upgrade on a Beaglebone / Raspberry

Seafile is an open-source cloud solution and on a BeagleBone or Raspberry a really good alternative to OwnCloud (see the article OwnCloud alternative with Seafile and Baikal ).
Seafile is now running on my BeagleBone Black for a few months and I must say that it is working very reliable since now. Meanwhile, around 600 GB of data are in the cloud and I have found no problems yet.

Reduce Spam in Wordpress by blocking IP-Addresses with iptables

For anyone running a blog or a website with a comment section, spam in the comments is a vexed issue. Though there are tools for WordPress that already sort out the spam pretty well and pack it into a spam folder, these entries needs to be checked anyway, because you dont't want to accidentally delete a real comment, that landed in the spam folder for some reason.
This takes time and just annoying!

Luckily, there are some mmore options for you - at least, if you have a root access to your Linux server.

Synchronize Baikal with Thunderbird / Lightning

If you have installed Baikal (see article Baikal with Nginx and https ) you can start to synchronize its data.

Sync Calendar Data with Lightning
Lightning is an add-on for Mozilla Thunderbird and expands the e-mail application with a calendar and scheduling tool. More information about Lightning can be found on the page from Mozilla: Using the Lightning Calendar Add-on.


NGinx - URL-Forwarding from a Subfolder to a new Domain

How a url forwarding works with the Apache server, I have described in this article .
However, I have now switched to Nginx, a small, sleek, and very high-performance alternative to the flagship Apache - so it better suited for a Raspberry, a Beaglebone or a Cubieboard. But NGinX has no .htaccess-files. Forwardings are there - like everything else - set in the server configuration.


Simple Map-Server with MapServer, Shape-Files and OpenLayers

Card services such as Open Street Map or Google Map are really a fine and useful thing. You can easy enter some coordinates and display them, display a route and so on.

But what to do when there is no net available, such as on the high seas or somewhere in the middle of the wilderness? Either you spend a lot of money and get a satellite connection, or you build your own little map server with only a few handles.

Baikal with Nginx and https

If you want to have your calendar- and contact-data synchronized and don't want to give it away to third parties, it is possible with very simple means to synchronize it at home on your own server. The flagship in this direction is OwnCloud, which also provides CalDAV and CardDAV for synchronization. However, I had always had problems with the synchronization, and so I wanted to give Baikal a try.
Baikal is a PHP written, small and robust server to synchronize calendar and contact data using CalDAV and CardDAV.

Owncloud-Alternative with Seafile und Baikal

Now that I finally had my little server, I wanted to sync all my stuff from a variety of electronic devices: ie the working files on different computers, and also the calendar data and addresses should finally be in sync on all devices.

After a quick search I am first came to OwnCloud. A truly worry-free solution and also really easy to install.
OwnCloud offers:
