With the GetCapabilitiesRequestResponse the service sent a self- description with the necessary metadata to work with this service - the capabilities .
The capabilities document is divided into five sections:
- ServiceIdentification - This section contains basic information about the service such as the name, some keywords, for example, which category of measurement-data it provides (Weather- / level-data) and what OGC-SOS-versions are supported
- ServiceProvider - This section contains information about the provider of the service such as address, telephone number and contact-data to the responsible person
- OperationsMetadata - Here is listed, what operations are supported by this service, the addresses to the respective operations (usually the same address as the service itself), if this operation supports GET and POST requests and which parameters are allowed for this operation
- Filter_Capabilities - Here ist listed, what filters are supported by this service. There are three types of filter
- spatial filter
- temporal filter
- logical filter
With these filters Observations can be done more precisely
- Contents - The content consists of a list of the offerings of the service. An Offering assembles data, which have a spatial or logical relationship. In order to keep the service clearly, an offering should be set up like measuring station: it can contain multiple sensors that provide different measures, but it should only be assigned to one feature
Here is an example of a SOS capabilities document
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