In order to work with a SPS, first you need information about this service. This includes, for example, which sensors are connected to a SPS, the location of the sensors, which measure (Phenomenon) are delivered by the individual sensors and the parameters that can or have to be set on a sensor so that a task can be processed.
This information is obtained by sending a GetCapabilities request to the service. In this case this can be a GET- or a POST-request.
The mandatory parameter for this Request (GET oder POST)
- request - set to "GetCapabilities"
- version - for this SPS-version set to "1.0.0"
- service - set to "SPS"
Optional Parameter for this Request:
- AcceptVersions - with this parameter a client can transmit, which SPS-version are supported
- Section - The document returned by the service is devided in four sections (see Capabilities ). To avoid unnecessary traffic, you can specify here which of these sections are required and should be supplied by the service.
- updateSequence
- AcceptFormats - With this parameter a client can provide additional information, in what form the document can be submitted. Default it is sent as text/xml document, but also compressed files like application/zip are possible.
Example of a GET-Request:
Example of a POST-Request:
Short version
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <GetCapabilities xmlns="" service="SPS" version="1.0.0"> </GetCapabilities>
or with additional attributes
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <GetCapabilities xmlns="" xmlns:ows="" xmlns:ogc="" service="SPS"> <ows:AcceptVersions> <ows:Version>1.0.0</ows:Version> </ows:AcceptVersions> <ows:Sections> <ows:Section>OperationsMetadata</ows:Section> <ows:Section>ServiceIdentification</ows:Section> <ows:Section>Contents</ows:Section> </ows:Sections> </GetCapabilities>
The service responds with a Capabilities-Dokument
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